Want to know a secret? - children do not care if their toys, books and clothes are brand new... they are just happy to have different toys to play with and learn from and bright and colourful books to read and look at. They do not mind at all where it has come from! Having children is expensive - they grow so fast and often use items for very short periods of time. Therefore, what is better than getting incredible quality items without the big price tag?
Our sellers bring fantastic quality items, which have been cherished but are now ready to go to a new home. Every market brings different sellers, selling different items and so you can come and browse at every market to stock up.
Anyone who knows me, knows how much I love second hand things. I really dislike waste - I love seeing items being re-cycled, re-purposed and re-homed. It is so wonderful seeing shoppers on market day who are delighted with great buys at fantastic priced and likewise I love seeing sellers leaving the market having cleared out huge amounts of items which have been lying around their homes and having made some cash.
We also believe in supporting small businesses and Baby Bazaar has been a great place for businesses to grow their brand and get families to see, try and purchase their products. There have been some great success stories of small companies who have grown incredibly by being able to promote their brands to a focused audience.
So, that's us! If you haven't been to Baby Bazaar and you have kids...you are missing out! Come and have a browse and get yourself some bargains!
See you at Baby Bazaar!
Catherine x

A market
built by mums, for mums
Operating since 2012
Baby Bazaar is the only dedicated market in Dubai to parents who are looking to buy & sell their children's pre-loved items.